Pokémon Commands

p!catch <pokémon> - Catch a pokémon by guessing its name correctly (must be latest pokémon displayed on the screen)

After catching a pokémon with p!catch <pokémon>

p!list <page> - List your owned pokémon (supply no page number for page #1)

Running p!list

p!order <option> - Order your p!list by options such as alphabetical, number, level, or IV

Running p!order

p!select <pokémon ID> - Select the pokémon getting EXP as you chat and which will be used in battle

Running p!select <pokémon ID>

p!release <pokémon ID> - Release this pokémon into the wild, you will need to confirm this before it actually takes effect luckily (a confirmation message will be provided)

Running p!release <pokémon ID>

p!info <pokémon ID> - Show both your pokémon's statistics and ratings together

p!stats <pokémon ID> - List your pokémon's statistics (Name, Level, EXP, Required EXP, Type, Held Item, Gender, Shiny, Nature, Ability, Owner, Caught Date)

p!ratings <pokémon ID> - List your pokémon's (IVs, EVs, Total IV %, Total EV %)

p!leaderboard <type> or p!lb <type> - You can view the official leaderboards for the game. Types are IV, Level, Captured, Balance.

p!moves <pokémon ID> - Show the moves your pokémon has

p!daily - Get your daily reward each day for running this command :) [Few other steps involved, but you get the point]

p!mega - Evolve your current selected pokémon to a Mega X or Y (depending on if you have a Mega Evo purchased)

Last updated

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