Beginning the Game

Official Discord


The original Pokécord was a bot for Discord that let players catch, level-up, and battle their favorite pokémon from within Discord. Pokécord 2 is a total remake by Badger with the help of fans and supporters, not affiliated with the original Pokécord developers or owner.

The bot is in the early stages of its development but we are glad you've joined us because your input will help shape this new pokémon adventure!

Have a suggestion or idea?

Email any inquiries, suggestions, and/or ideas to Badger

Start playing

p!start - Starts your pokémon adventure!

After running p!start

p!begin <pokémon> - After running p!start, you will then select your starter pokémon.

p!help - You will be linked to this documentation for help :)

p!discord - You will be linked to the Pokécord 2 [by Badger] discord server

Last updated